Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Professional Athlete Salaries

My reply to another blog post about professional athlete salaries.

My Thoughts -

Regarding any profession, who has the right to tell other people how much money they deserve to be making? The answer is no one.

Salaries for these players are dependant on how much the GM's and Owners wish to pay. These are business men we are talking about, some of the brightest around. They would not throw around millions of dollars without a purpose.

MLB revenues from stadiums, advertising, and television contracts are worth an astounding amount of money. That in turn increases each team’s budget for its product: the players.

If a doctor does a great job for 5 years he will end up making more money, because he has proven himself and has experience. His pay increase will be reflective of the number of patients or quality of work he does.

If a professional athlete does a great job for 5 years he will end up making a lot more money, because he has proven himself and has experience. His pay increase is reflective of his value to his owner and excellence above his competitors.

The difference is that doctors will never increase profits by any margin comparable to what a professional athlete can do to revenues. That is why you cannot compare professional athletes pay to any normal profession. I pointed out their contrasts.

Reading through comments, people have pointed out that there are more important jobs that get paid far less. I agree. There are doctors, military, police officers, and teachers that do very important things. The issue is that their value is often priceless and sometimes, to their employers, replaceable.

Everything an athlete does have a monetary value to his owner. The key word is monetary. People think sports are brainless, but the talent of the athletes has a real value.

In contrast, no matter how great a teacher is. It is tough to see how their employer will gain much increase in revenue from the teacher giving great lessons in class. Teachers have a great worldly importance, but in this world that is not where the money lies.

Sports are a huge industry and are here to stay. When salaries finally do deflate, it will be because of the laws of economics and not due to someone having the feeling that "They don't deserve it."

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Physics Proves It Doesn't Know Anything About Basketball

Here is an article that explains how "Physics Proves It: Everyone Should Shoot Granny-Style"


Thats right, it says shooting underhand is better then the normal shooting style, but there are flaws in this theory.

I believe you can achieve the optimal trajectory and spin using a normal shooting technique. Underhand has no advantage here.

A quote from the article:
"Another reason why the granny shot helps a free thrower win cheers rather than jeers: It gives a backward spin to the ball."

If the writer had any basketball knowledge, they would know that every great shooter already has backspin on their ball using the normal shooting styles.

The biggest flaw I see in the article:

It states that the shorter you are, the higher angle you must shoot the ball. It then goes on to say that shooting a ball straight in the air is the hardest to aim. Therefore, you are to assume that you rather release the ball from a higher point to increae accuracy, since greater angle equals poor aim. So, why not release the ball above your head instead of around your waist or chest?

I don't think we will see anyone shooting this way any time soon.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Opening Blog

This is the first blog in what could be many. I'm looking forward to posting some exciting, or just plain cool, things that I find on the internet or see in every day life. Good stuff is on the way.
